I am currently a Ph.D. student within the FlexTech chair and study contextual approaches and Human-Systems Integration (HSI) techniques in the development of remote tower operations for both civil and military applications. I belong to the Interfaces doctoral school of Paris-Saclay University. I work for the CS Research Lab from CS GROUP (A Sopra Steria Company), the Industrial Engineering Laboratory (LGI) at CentraleSupélec and the ESTIA-Recherche laboratory.
I hold an engineering degree from ENSEIRB-MATMECA (Ecole nationale supérieure d’électronique, informatique, télécommunications, mathématique et mécanique de Bordeaux) in computer science with a specialization in High Performance Computing and Data Science.
I teach mainly Computer Science to students from the engineering cycle at ESTIA, with some involvement in the Human Systems Integration course at ESTIA and CentraleSupélec.
- January 2025: Human Systems Integration - Lecturer & Teaching Assistant, ESTIA 3rd-year engineering cycle
- March 2024: Human Systems Integration - Lecturer, CentraleSupélec 3rd-year engineering cycle
- January 2024: Human Systems Integration - Lecturer, ESTIA 3rd-year engineering cycle
- Fall 2023: Version Control Systems - Lecturer & Teaching Assistant, 12 hours, ESTIA 1st-year engineering cycle
- Fall 2023: Static Website Technologies - Teaching Assistant, 10 hours, ESTIA 1st-year engineering cycle
- Fall 2023: Algorithms and Data Structures - Lecturer & Teaching Assistant, 24 hours, ESTIA 1st-year engineering cycle
- Spring 2023: C Programming Projects - Teaching Assistant, 16 hours, ESTIA 1st-year engineering cycle
- January 2023: Human Systems Integration - Lecturer & Teaching Assistant, ESTIA 3rd-year engineering cycle
- Fall 2022: Algorithms and Data Structures - Lecturer & Teaching Assistant, 24 hours, ESTIA 1st-year engineering cycle
- Fall 2022: Version Control Systems - Lecturer & Teaching Assistant, 6 hours, ESTIA 1st-year engineering cycle
- September 2022: Internship Project Defence - Jury member, ESTIA 2nd-year bachelor's degree
- Spring 2022: C Programming Projects - Teaching Assistant, 20 hours, ESTIA 1st-year engineering cycle
- Spring 2022: Algorithms and Data Structures - Lecturer & Teaching Assistant, 28 hours, ESTIA 1st-year engineering cycle
Research and publications
The domains of my research include supporting early design stages throughout Systems Engineering and Systems Architecture processes. In particular, I am interested in Human Systems Integration (HSI) approaches to the design of complex sociotechnical systems. Such approaches include simulation, virtual protoypes, Scenario-Based Design (SBD), cognitive engineering and complex systems modeling. In this regard, I am a member of the FlexTech chair which is a long-term collaboration between both industrial and academic partners.
The list of all my academic contributions are listed below in descending chronological order (the PDF files posted here may differ from the final published versions).
2025 | COSMOS: a tool for modeling contextual information into operational scenarios |
Alexandre Disdier, Dimitri Masson, Marija Jankovic, Guy André Boy | |
Soon to be published. | |
2025 | An ontology of contextual elements: case study from air traffic control operations |
Alexandre Disdier, Dimitri Masson, Marija Jankovic, Guy André Boy | |
AIAA Journal of Air Transportation, soon to be published. | |
2025 | The operational context of remote air traffic control centers |
Alexandre Disdier | |
Chapter 4 of the Handbook of Socio-Technical Systems: A Human Systems Integration Approach, soon to be published. | |
2024 | A Context Acquisition Methodology for the Design of Complex Sociotechnical Systems (Highly Commended Paper Award 🏆) |
Alexandre Disdier, Dimitri Masson, Marija Jankovic, Guy André Boy | |
Proceedings of the INCOSE/IEA International Conference on Human Systems Integration (HSI2024). | |
2024 | Defining and characterizing the operational context for human systems integration (Editor's Choice Paper 🏆) |
Alexandre Disdier, Dimitri Masson, Marija Jankovic, Guy André Boy | |
Systems Engineering (2024). 27:1103-1115 | |
2023 | Toward a Human Systems Integration approach to the design and operation of a remote and virtual air traffic control center |
Alexandre Disdier, Dimitri Masson, Thomas Brethomé, Marija Jankovic, Guy André Boy | |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED2023), The Design Society (2023). 3:3561-3570 | |
Administrative services
- Systems Engineering Journal (Wiley) - Reviewer
- IEA/INCOSE HSI 2024 Conference, Jeju, Korea - Member of the reviewing committee
- FlexTech Human-AI Teaming Spring School 2024, Biarritz, France - Animator of workshop
- SAGIP (Société d'Automatique, de Génie Industriel et de Productique) 2022, Bidart, France - Member of the organizing committee
2025 | Doctorat (Ph.D.), Systems Engineering, CentraleSupélec, Paris Saclay University, Gif-sur-Yvette |
Thesis subject (name subject to change): Contribution to the integration of contextual information in the design models of complex sociotechnical systems | |
(Advisors: Pr. Marija Jankovic and Pr. Guy André Boy; Assistant advisor: Dr. Dimitri Masson; Industrial advisors: Thomas Brethomé and Dr. Anne-Laure Jousselme) | |
2021 | Diplôme d'ingénieur (equiv. M.Sc), Computer Science and High Performance Computing, ENSEIRB-MATMECA, Talence |
2019 | Bachelor (equiv. B.Sc), Computer Science, ENSEIRB-MATMECA, Talence |
2018 | Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie (French two-year university degree in technology), Computer Science, IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque, Anglet |
2016 | Baccalauréat (High school degree), Science, Lycée de Borda, Dax |